Symbol Key

In order to best understand my reviews, here's how to decode the symbols that I have used:

$= Entrees average less than $20
$$= Entrees average $20-$29
$$$= Entrees average $30 or more

Easy= Can book within the week of travel or possibly walk-in
Moderate= Tough to get desired time, but usually some availability
Hard= Must book 180 days out, or luck into a cancellation

Are we done yet???= Little to offer in terms of exciting atmosphere or entertainment
This is cool! = A moderatly entertaining environment, that should keep your littles entertained for the majority of the meal.
What rides??? = Will entertain and delight your child enough to make them willing to forfeit another go-around on Dumbo

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ask Tink: What does EPCOT stand for?

"What does EPCOT stand for? Does it mean something?"

     Thanks to the Tinker that sent in this question. I think everyone should know what the letters EPCOT stand for, since Walt picked them very deliberately and carefully. 
     EPCOT is an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. When the original plans for EPCOT were being developed, Walt imagined it to be a living community, a sort of "utopia" which combined technology and learning with everyday life. One of the original concepts can be seen when you ride the Tomorrowland Transit Authority, or PeopleMover, in The Magic Kingdom. After Walt's passing, the concept changed around a bit, and it became more like a World's Fair, showcasing new technologies and concepts, as well as displaying life in our global community in World Showcase. 
     It wasn't until the mid 90's that Epcot became more of a word than an acronym, with only the "E" being capitalized. What happened to the original EPCOT concept? Well, you can draw some parallels between today's town of Celebration, which was developed by Disney, and the plans for the prototype community, but Celebration was not truly meant to be the realization of Walt's vision. 
     So, there you have it... Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow. Although, there are some really fun alternatives that Guests and Cast Members have created over the years. Here's a few, just for kicks...

- Every Person Comes Out Tired
- Every Parent Carries Out a Toddler
- Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday
- Employee Polyester Costumes Of Torture
- Every Pocketbook Comes Out Trashed

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